Training and Development

Policy Templates

Use this template to outline your company's training and development policy, detailing any learning and development programs and activities you offer.

About this template

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Our training and development policy refers to [your company]'s learning and development programs and activities.

In the modern competitive environment, employees need to replenish their knowledge and acquire new skills to do their jobs better. This will benefit both them and [your company]. We want them to feel confident about improving efficiency and productivity, as well as finding new ways towards personal development and success.

This policy applies to all permanent, full-time, or part-time, employees of the company. Employees with temporary/short-term contracts might attend training at their manager’s discretion.

This policy doesn’t cover supplementary employees like contractors or consultants.

Employees, managers, and HR should all collaborate to build a continuous professional development (CPD) culture. It’s an employee’s responsibility to seek new learning opportunities. It’s a manager’s responsibility to coach their teams and identify employee development needs. And it’s HR’s responsibility to facilitate any staff development activities and processes.

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