Create a single source of knowledge for your entire organization. Employees can find the information they need faster and with fewer interruptions.
Create Your WaybookBreak complex processes, training materials and standard operating procedures into simple structured workflows.
Be confident your team have seen document updates. So when you improve a process you improve your entire organization.
Create Your WaybookMake engaging modern documents and processes with GIFs, images, videos, emojis, maps, quizzes & more.
Custom reports can include a wide range of data, such as user activity, document completion rates, training progress, compliance tracking, and more, tailored to your specific requirements. We will work with you to to design reports based on your team’s needs.
The Audit Log tracks a wide range of activities, including document creation, edits, deletions, user access, and permissions changes.
Relative due dates are especially useful when onboarding new employees to your organization, giving them ample time to review important information within your Waybook, whether as part of a Learning Path or more generally.
We track the Confirmation Steps within Reports, so you can easily see when it was first completed and most recently completed.