Create a single source of knowledge for your entire organization. Employees can find the information they need faster and with fewer interruptions.
Create Your WaybookBreak complex processes, training materials and standard operating procedures into simple structured workflows.
Be confident your team have seen document updates. So when you improve a process you improve your entire organization.
Create Your WaybookMake engaging modern documents and processes with GIFs, images, videos, emojis, maps, quizzes & more.
Tests can be used to assess new hires' understanding of your company's processes and standards during onboarding. This ensures that they are well-prepared and aligned with your expectations from the start.
Yes, sessions can be recorded upon request, allowing your team to revisit the training material whenever needed.
Once you have published your change the link will automatically update to ensure that it is showing the most up-to-date content.
The Waybook mobile app allows you to access your documents anytime and anywhere. Ensures that your essential documents are just a tap away, enhancing your productivity and enabling continuous learning.