Advanced Permissions

Facilitate efficient collaboration ​​while maintaining precise control over who can view, edit, and manage specific Documents and Subjects within your Waybook.

More granular control of your Waybook permissions
Designate your team’s managers and allow them to take greater ownership of content, members and reporting in your Waybook
Give specific team members more access to actions within your Waybook without having to grant them admin permissions
Advanced Permissions

Waybook’s advanced permission support provides granular control over user access to Documents and Subjects, allowing you to tailor permissions based on individual roles and responsibilities within your organization. This ensures that sensitive information remains secure while enabling efficient collaboration among team members.

By customizing access levels, you can maintain confidentiality, streamline workflows, and foster a more organized and productive work environment.


Can permissions be revoked or modified after they are assigned?

Yes, administrators have the flexibility to revoke or modify permissions at any time. This allows for dynamic adjustments to access levels as organizational needs evolve.

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How do I assign permissions to users or user groups?

Assigning permissions is simple with Waybook's intuitive interface. Administrators can specify permissions for individual users or user groups, ensuring that access is aligned with organizational roles and requirements.

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What access levels can be configured with advanced permissions?

With advanced permissions, you can configure various access levels, including read-only access, editing permissions, and administrative privileges. This flexibility allows you to customize access based on user needs and responsibilities.

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