Customer FAQs

Customer Support

Use this template to help guide your support team through the process to answer your customers' frequently asked questions.

About this template

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This document should be used to document your processes for responding to frequently asked questions.

This is particularly useful for new support team members, who may need a step-by-step guide to follow during their first few support shifts, while they familiarise themselves with your processes and way of communicating.

In this document, we will outline all processes required to answer some of the most frequently asked questions by [our company] customers and leads.

We'll guide you through exactly what is being asked and why, as well as which saved message you should use to respond and any further steps required.

If, during your support shift, you notice the same question being asked frequently and don't see it outlined in this document, please send it over to [point of contact] and we'll make sure we add it 🙂

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