5 Surprising Employee Engagement Statistics That You Need to Know

Leadership & Culture
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5 Surprising Employee Engagement Statistics That You Need to Know
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    As workplace interactions are becoming increasingly virtual (think about your countless meetings on Zoom), many HR managers are struggling to keep their employees engaged.

    This is an extremely significant issue, as employee engagement is a critical factor to success in the workplace.

    This is why we’ve put together a list of surprising employee engagement statistics, and ways in which you can combat these issues.

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    1.    Only 20% of employees are engaged in the workplace

    We’ve started this off with a shocker. According to a study carried out by Gallup, an estimated 80% of employees are not engaged in the workplace.

    This highlights a very serious issue: many team members may be committing to a bare minimum level of work in order to get it over and done with. These workers likely have a negative association with their job or their workplace.


    2.    33% of employees cite boredom as their reason for leaving their job

    This mind-blowing statistic was obtained from a survey carried out in 2018.

    This one is painful. You would assume that your employees are leaving because the job is too challenging, or perhaps just not the right fit for them…

    But boredom? That is a little unexpected. And pretty avoidable!


    3.    Disengaged employees may cost companies approximately $550 billion USD a year 

    A study highlights an extremely significant consequence of employee disengagement. 

    A lack of interest means less output in the workplace, which leads to losses in both time and money

    This is why it is crucial for you to work on putting systems in place to ensure that you have a productive and engaged workforce.


    4.    Only 16% of companies use technology to track employee progress

    There is no better way to ensure that your employees are engaged than by tracking their progress. This may have been a difficult task decades ago, but this digital age that we live in today means that there are many different software in place that could help with this!

    Unfortunately, this poll highlights a harsh reality: only a handful of companies are making use of technology to track employee engagement.

    While this is important for all employees in the workplace, it is particularly significant for the employee onboarding process.


    5.    High engagement leads to an increase in profitability by 21%!

    We’ve saved the best for last. Another poll signifies the positive effect of high employee engagement on profitability. This is correlated with an increase in productivity, as highly engaged workers feel motivated to perform better.

    This again stresses the importance of employee engagement for workplace success.  

    Now that the significance of employee engagement has been established, here are some tips that will help you establish a high-engagement workforce.


    Make sure their voices are heard

    Ask your team members for feedback. Show them that their opinions and satisfaction matters to you. Whenever you’re implementing a new process in place, ask them to fill out a survey to see what works and what doesn’t.

    Implement centralized systems and documents in place for all your employees

    This can be done on Waybook, which enables you to give easy access to the relevant documents and systems to your employees, all in a single platform. The simplicity of accessing and reading the documents means that the employees are more likely to be engaged with their work.

     Better yet, you will be able to track the progress of your workforce to ensure that everyone is equally engaged.


    Focus on culture

    To increase a community-like feel and a strong sense of belonging, make sure that you work on highlighting your employee culture.

    This can include setting off a “beer alarm” every Friday at 5 pm, or starting the week off by giving your employees access to early morning yoga and green juices on Monday. These acts will enhance the charisma of your company, prevent boredom, and consequently ensure that your employees are more engaged.


    Employee engagement is important

    The bottom line is, it is important not to neglect the engagement levels in your workplace. Focusing on increasing engagement is a surefire way to increase employee satisfaction and productivity in your company.