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Frequently asked questions

Does Waybook have a mobile app?

Yes, Waybook has a mobile app which allows your team to access knowledge and training on the go. You can download it here.

How do I set permissions in Waybook?

You have full control over which subjects your teammates can access and set permissions accordingly; these can be no access, read, edit and publish.

You can easily create member groups to ensure your team has the correct level of access and control required with minimum management and maximum confidence.

What are subjects, documents and steps?

Think of subjects as the teams and areas of operation within your business. Each subject contains multiple documents. These are the actual activities carried out by the different teams and people in your business. Steps are a breakdown of each activity in the sequence of what needs to be done and how.

If I cancel my plan, will my data be lost?

At Waybook, we offer the ability to pause your subscription and save your data for just $20/month. This will include us holding all of your published and draft content, your members and their progress, your reports and your branding & subdomain.

Whenever you're ready to return to Waybook, reach out to the support team and they can help you to reactivate your subscription and you can pick back up where you left off.